Protocol from board meeting 2022-12-15
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-12-15 3.1 Everyone on the incoming board must have access to new email inboxes and should therefore fill out a form on DISK’s website as soon as possible.3.2 The Presidium has had a meeting with the inspector and administrative…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-23
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-11-23 3.1 The section representatives must fill in templates so the sitting and the next head of technology can create new DISK user accounts as easily as possible 4.1 The board discusses how the new storage space works and…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-08
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-11-03 5.1.1 Klubbmästeriets preliminary activity plan is unchanged since last year.5.1.2 Musikaliska & Estetiska Sektionen has added a paragraph about maintaining the band in its preliminary activity plan.5.1.3 Näringslivssektionens preliminary activity plan was postponed until the next board meeting.5.1.4…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-03
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Styrelsemöte 2022-11-03 4.1 Students studying the last year of the game development program have an exhibition on 21/12 and it would be an excellent opportunity for DISK to stand and talk. The board thinks it sounds promising, provided people haven’t…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-10-20
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-10-20 3.1 All board members have received a questionaire from the election committee which they must fill in as soon as they can. 4.1 The board discusses producing several compendiums for courses. However, it is up to each course…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-09-28
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-09-28 2.9.1 The information functionary has arranged a channel where the board members can follow the work carried out at the workshop continuously.2.9.2 The board abolished the committee as the newly elected deputies can help with the tasks.2.9.3 The…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-09-08
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary. Styrelsemöte 2022-09-08.pdf 3.1 Everyone on the DISK board is expected to work at DISK’s Christmas party on 2/12.3.2 DISKord (DISK’s own Discord server) should be used more for the creation and marketing of events.3.3 Project Manager & Project Coordinator for…
Protocol: board meeting #10 14/10-21
The final protocol for the board meeting that took place on October 14th 2021 is now available on the web page.  You can find it here, or under DISK > Documents Have a nice day!
Protocol: board meeting #9 23/09-21
The final protocol for the board meeting that took place on September 23rd 2021 is now available on the web page.  You can find it here, or under DISK > Documents Have a nice day!
Protocol: board meeting #7 20/05-21
The final protocol for the board meeting that took place on May 20th 2021 is now available on the web page.  You can find it here, or under DISK > Documents Have a nice day!
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