Årsmöte med val 2024
Kära DISK medlemmar,Detta är en officiell kallelse till DISKs Ã…rsmöte med Val 2024, som äger rum 11e december. PÃ¥ Ã¥rsmötet sÃ¥ ska en ny styrelse väljas, nästa Ã¥rs verksamhetsplan godkännas, potentiella beslut om stadgeändringar tas, med mera. Ã…rsmötet är ett jättebra tillfälle för DISKs medlemmar att fÃ¥ insikt i styrelsens arbete och se till att…
Sök till DISK styrelsen 2025 / Apply for the DISK board 2025
English Below Är du intresserad av att sitta i styrelsen för studentkÃ¥ren DISK? Känner du nÃ¥gon som du tycker borde ansöka? För er har vi goda nyheter. Just nu söker valberedningen kandidater för verksamhetsÃ¥ret 2025! Att sitta i DISK styrelsen är en underbar möjlighet för den som vill göra skillnad för studenterna pÃ¥ DSV (Och…
Extrainsatt Årsmöte 2024
Kära DISK medlemmar, DISK Styrelsen 2024 kallar till extrainsatt Ã¥rsmöte den 25e September klockan 18:00 i lilla hörsalen. Fika kommer att serveras och matbiljetter som kan användas i puben kommer att delas ut till deltagarna. PÃ¥ detta möte sÃ¥ kommer vi ha val av valberedning samt sammankallande. Föredragningslistan och handlingar finns pÃ¥ följande länk: Handlingar…
Protocol from Extra Annual Meeting
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Protokoll Extrainsatt Ã…rsmöte 2022-05-18.pdf 2.1 Sporten wanted to apply for a membership in SAIF, but the application was postponed until the next annual meeting2.2 The proposition to revise DISK’s emblem was approved in its second draft. 2.3 The proposition to…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-05-19
Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Styrelsemöte 2022-05-19.pdf 2.9.1 We can now open a savings account at an unspecified bank, which was approved at the last annual meeting.2.9.2 The Merch-committee has ordered a test hoodie, more info under The Access-committee had nothing new to report2.9.4…
Protocol from board meeting 2022-05-03
Here is the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Styrelsemöte 2022-05-03.pdf 3.1 The treasurer has been informed that there is usually a recurring information point where the treasurer informs the rest of the board about the sections’ financial situation. From this meeting and on, it will be a recurring point.3.2 Insparken…
Protocol from Board Meeting 2022-04-12
Here is the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Styrelsemöte 2022-04-12.pdf 3.1 DISK should register 3-4 people to act as marshals for academic events. 4 people have applied so far and if more people apply then the seats will be distributed through a raffle3.2 The printer in KX is broken and…
Protocol for Economic Union Meeting 2022
Here is the full protocol (in Swedish) and a translated summary: Protokoll Ekonomiskt Föreningsmöte 2022-03-16.pdf 2.1 The sport section wanted to apply for a membership in SAIF, but the meeting deemed that the foundation needed for a decision had not been achieved. The application was postponed until the next annual meeting.2.2 The proposition to clarify…
Protocol from Extra Board Meeting 2022-03-07
Here is the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Extrainsatt styrelsemöte 2022-03-07.pdf 5.1 The Board looked through the Section´s activity plans for the year 5.2 The Board looked throught the budgets
Protocol Board Meeting 2022-03-03
Here is the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary: Styrelsemöte 2022-03-03.pdf 4.1 Our supplier of bread that is used to make sandwiches in the café have closed down. We are looking into new potential suppliers and solutions 5.1 The board discussed means of marketing toward members that are not ACTIVE within…
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