Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary.
Styrelsemรถte 2022-11-23
3.1 The section representatives must fill in templates so the sitting and the next head of technology can create new DISK user accounts as easily as possible
4.1 The board discusses how the new storage space works and what can be improved
5.1 The Musical & Aesthetic section’s statute amendment was approved
5.2 The board approved a motion to form a new section. The motion will be added to the documents of the annual meeting
5.3 The Business Section, the Sports Section and Insparken’s preliminary business plans were approved
5.4 The board approved a proposal to introduce a new steering document for operational goals for the next three years. The bill will be added to the proceedings of the annual meeting
5.5 Insparkens statute amendment was approved
5.6 The board approved that the budget item for rent and Systemvetardagen’s estimated income was changed.
5.7 Sรคrimners Kultingar’s statute amendment was approved