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Till alla som har haft problem med registrering infรถr denna termin:
Vi har varit i kontakt med institutionen, de meddelar att pga en felaktig konfiguration av Daisy (beroende pรฅ den mรคnskliga faktorn) sรฅ har mรฅnga studenter inte kunnat registrera sig sjรคlv. Det har gjort att studievรคgledningen fรฅtt vรคldigt mรฅnga fler mail รคn vanligt vilket gรถr att svarstiderna blivit lรฅnga.
Institutionen hรคlsar att nu skall det gรฅ bra fรถr alla att registrera sig sjรคlv via Daisy. Och givetvis sรฅ kommer alla som kontaktat studievรคgledningen att fรฅ svar sรฅ fort vi hinner.
To everyone who has experienced difficulties with their registration for this semester:
We have now been in contact with the institution, they would like to inform that because of an error within the configuration in Daisy (due to human error), many students have experienced issues with their registration. This has resulted in a lot of emails sent to the student counselling, which has extended the answer time.
The institution would like to inform you that the error is now fixed, and registration should be working again. All the emails will be answered as soon as possible.