See all news here
- EKMEK 2025 (Ekonomiskt Årsmöte)
- Årsmöte med val 2024
- Sök till DISK styrelsen 2025 / Apply for the DISK board 2025
- Extrainsatt Årsmöte 2024
- Årsmöte med Val 2023
- Extrainsatt årsmöte #2 / Extra annual meeting #2
- Extrainsatt årsmöte
- Ekonomiskt Föreningsmöte 2023
- Protocol from board meeting 2022-12-15
- Protokoll från styrelsemöte 2022-12-15
- Protocol from annual meeting with elections 2022-11-30
- Protokoll från Årsmöte med val 2022-11-30
- Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-23
- Protokoll från styrelsemöte 2022-11-23
- Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-08
- Protokoll från styrelsemöte 2022-11-08
- Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-03
- Protokoll från styrelsemöte 2022-11-03
Don’t miss our events!
Pubs in Foo Bar
Every Wednesday and last Friday of the month we have a pub in Foo Bar. We have a large selection of drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, and you can always get a good piece of food, even vegan.
And all at student-friendly prices, of course!
Badminton, soccer & climbing
… Are some of all the events organized by the sport. Climbing and badminton are organized every week, so keep an eye on the Sports Section’s social media for the next event!
On Tuesdays, it is SK who occupy Foo Bar, usually with some kind of game night.
Sometimes a specific game is in focus, for example Overcooked 2, Jackbox or Super Smash Bros, but SK’s game lockers are always open for guests to play whatever they feel like.
MES holds a large variety of creative events. They take place on Mondays of even weeks in the Foo Bar, with activities such as film, craft and sewing nights.
MES also entertains at several of DISK’s fantastic sittings, and hosts karaoke pubs in collaboration with KM during some Friday pubs.