DISK is the student union for all students at DSV in Kista. DISK is run by volunteer students and ensures that all students at DSV have the best study time possible! Of course, as a member you get various benefits, such as discounts (both within DISK and in the form of the Student Card), the opportunity to stand in SSSB’s housing queue, and to participate in several fun events that DISK organizes. Membership costs SEK 160/semester or SEK 300/academic year.
By becoming a member of DISK, you contribute to us being able to ensure that the education at DSV maintains good quality, to being able to arrange fun events that create a memorable study time for you, and to create opportunities where you can meet companies, to ease the process of getting hired after you graduate.
Do you have questions regarding your membership? Send an email to You can include your personal number or T-number for faster service.
What DISK does for you:
- Quality assures your education so that you can be confident that you get the skills that are expected in IT bussiness.
- Offers student support in the form of study monitoring and a student safety agent.
- Offers, in collaboration with DSV, general guidance in all courses, also known as DISK Workshop, on Thursdays in Foo Bar.
- Welcome you to the department in the best possible way through Insparken during the autumn semester.
- Offers a number of different student social activities such as sittings, sports events, student pubs, game nights, LAN, and the like.
- Arranges annual Systemvetardagen (System Science Day), a large labor market day where DSV’s students have the opportunity to meet future employers.
What you get as a member
- Studentkortet with associated discounts. See all discounts on their website.
- Member prices in DISKs café, union office and in Foo Bar.
- The opportunity to enter SSSBs housing queue for those in need of a student apartment or dorm room.
- The oppurtunity for an active membership in DISKs sections, for even richer student life.
- Be able to contribute and express opinions about what the student union should work with, either through engaging yourself withing DISK or attend DISKs annual and economic meetings.
- Get to know plenty of amazing people that, just like you, are on the path to working within the IT business.
Good for your studies
DISK’s main function is to ensure that the quality of education at DSV is maintained. If you have received an unfair grade or if you think that the quality of your education does not measure up, we are happy to help you through our study monitoring. You can contact the study monitoring at iLearn, Facebook or, and you can read more about the study monitoring here.
DISK also offers DISK Workshop, general guidance for all students who are stuck on a difficult assignment etc.
As a member, you contribute to an increased number of members. With more members, DISK gets more influence when we meet representatives of universities and businesses, which benefits all students of DSV.
DISK works to ensure that the students at DSV have as good a study environment as possible, which is why we have a student safety agent who works solely with these issues. If you need to get in touch with our student safety agent, you can do so at You can read more about our student safety agent here.
Good for you

Every week during the autumn and spring semesters, lots of fun events are arranged by both DISK and our sections. Take the chance and get involved in one of our sections for a fantastic study time at DSV!
You also get the opportunity to mingle with companies through events, lectures, and during our labor market day Systemvetardagen (System science day). By becoming an active member of Näringslivssektionen you contribute to arranging Systemvetardagen, which looks amazing on the CV.
DISK is affiliated with both SSCO and SFS, by being a member of DISK you give weight to these organizations that work at a political level to improve students’ situation (eg student grants, the housing situation in Stockholm, etc.).
As a member of DISK, can to register in SSSB‘s (Stiftelsen Stockholms Studentbostäder) housing queue. SSSB conducts housing tests where they check that their residents are studying and have a valid membership in an affiliated union. For the verification to work, it’s important that you as a student enter the same email address at the student union as with SSSB, and are registered at courses on DSV. It is always the students’ responsibility to make sure the correct personal information is provided.
Good for your wallet
Members of DISK receive Studentkortet, which serves as an ID when you want to buy an SL card with a student discount. To receive the SL discount, you need to have a study rate of at least 75% (22.5 credits per semester). You also get discounts provided by Studentkortet, which you can find on their website. You always receive a digital card through their app, but you can also order a physical card.
As a member of DISK, you also get member discounts, both in our Café, the union office, and Foo Bar, during all events and not just the pub. The discount is 20% on all of your purchases. You can show your Studentkort as an ID, which should have the DISK logo on it, to recieve your discount.
If you are an active member, you get even better prices, as a thank you for your involvement in the student union. You can read more about the general active benefits here. You can read more about specific active benefits from our sections by clicking on the section you are interested in. After only 62 cups of coffee, you have saved up the entire semester fee as a regular member!