The union’s study social activities are divided between several sections that focuses on different things. Each one contributes a piece of the puzzle that together makes student life in Kista unique. Our sections offer a wide range of events focused on everything from sports, game events, movies nights, company lectures and pubs. If you are going to study at DSV, we recommend that you get involved in at least one of our sections!
Insparken is responsible for giving new students a wonderful welcome to student life every year.
We do this by arranging activities, competitions, parties and other fun for DSV’s new students at the beginning of the semester. Insparken is a fantastic chance to get to know your classmates!
The sport works to offer students, mainly within DISK, opportunities to participate in various fun physical activities.
Every week we go climbing and play badminton. Soccer, bowling, table tennis and an annual ski trip to Ă…re also belong to the sections activities.
Särimners Kultingar
SK organizes lots of different game-related events. Every Tuesday, some form of game night takes place in Foo Bar and every other Monday, the subsection Krigsvinen organizes some form of table-top RPG.
SK also organizes a LAN and Game JAM every semester, and holds major events such as D&D, MTG drafts and tournaments. SK is there for DISK’s members to have as much fun as possible during their study time.
Musikaliska & estetiska Sektionen
MES arranges a large variety of creative events. They take place on Mondays during even weeks in Foo Bar, with activities such as film, crafts and sewing evenings.
MES also does spex and entertains at several of DISK’s fantastic parties, and hosts very popular karaoke pubs together with DISK Klubbmästeri.
DISK klubbmästeri
KM’s members enjoys organizing social events and to bring DISK’s students together in a relaxed environment. KM are responsible for our student pub.
Come to Foo Bar on a Wednesday or the last Friday of the month if you want to hang out with friends and eat and drink for student-friendly prices.
Näringslivssektionen (NärS)
NärS acts as the bridge between students and the business community. We work to collaborate with exciting companies that are interested in meeting students at DSV.
We also work to help students with important contacts before working life, and it is we who organize the annual workers’ fair Systemvetardagen.