What can I expect from a course before it starts? Where can I find information on exchange studies? Where can I get old exams? That is exactly what we are answering here! Please note that the information below concerns the department and not DISK, more information can be found on DSVs website.
Please note that these tips only apply to DSV students and not other students at Stockholm University.
- If the teachers have not posted old exams on iLearn, you can request old exams and answers via the student union office. Send an email to and include:
1. If you want just questions, answers or both
2. Specify from what period (i.e. VT20 or a specific month)
3. When the exam or re-exam was written
4. Which language you wish (Swedish or English)
- Although it might feel tiring to submit a course evaluation when a course is finished, it is extremely important. The more people who submit the evaluations, the more foundation for improving the course.
- As a student at DSV, you have the possibility to go on exchange studies, an amazing oppurtunity. More information about exchange studies can be found here. Also, if you sign up for the buddy-program, you get an advantage when applying for exchange studies.
Your rights
As a student, you have several rights, both according to law and regulations, but also according to local regulations at Stockholm university. Below are some rights that may be good to keep an eye on. If you have questions or opinions about your education or a course, you can contact the study monitoring at
Syllabus, schedule and course literature
- The course syllabus must be established no later than one month before the last day for registration.
- Information about course literature, schedule, and times for exams and retests must be available no later than one month before the start of the course.
- The regulations in the syllabus are legally binding, just like laws and regulations.
- You have the right to re-write an exam or complete other partial examinations five times.
- If you have passed an exam, you cannot ask to be failed, or have a higher grade. (If you feel you have been unfairly graded, contact the Student safety)
- If you have failed a course or a partial examination twice by the same teacher, you can demand to be examined by another one, if not special reasons exist.
- An exam should be graded within three weeks from the examination date, and more than two weeks before the re-examination.
- You cannot file an appeal against a grade, but you can demand a re-trial of your grade.
- You have the right to have your grade motivated by the examinator, in writing or oral.
Course evaluation
- After a course, you should always receive the opportunity to express your opinion through a course evaluation. The course evaluations are usually posted in iLearn or Daisy.
- Measures that are taken as a result of course evaluations, as well as the results from the course evaluations, should be easily accessible to the students.
- You have the right to write a course evaluation anonymous.
The housing situation in Stockholm is not optimal, even worse if you have to find housing that fits the budget you have as a student.
Here are DISK’s tips for you who need a place to live while studying at DSV.
By being a member of DISK, you get the opportunity to join SSSB’s (Stiftelsen Stockholm Studentbostäder) housing queue, a housing queue only for students who have bought a membership from unions affiliated with SSCO (Stockholm Student Union’s central organization). SSSB has almost 8,000 apartments, and is the largest in student housing in Stockholm. At SSSB, there is everything from rooms in student dorms to apartments with several bedrooms. Perhaps your best chance at a first-hand contract. Do not forget to register with SSSB after you have purchased your membership with DISK.
Bostadsförmedlingen mediates both ordinary and student apartments within the entire Stockholm region, however, this is Stockholm City’s main housing agency, and the queue times vary greatly depending on the area, range, and how active the applicant is.
Byggvesta is an organization that builds and manages both ordinary and student apartments in Stockholm.
Akademisk kvart
Akademisk kvart is a second-hand agency that is aimed directly at students. Academisk kvart has no profit interest so posting ads and registering interest is completely free. The purpose of the site is to offer secondhand contracts at a reasonable price.
Hyra bostad
Hyra bostad is a site that gathers the range of apartments from 65 private landlords and several secondhand contracts. Register as a housing applicant and Hyra bostad will contact you when there are vacant apartments.
Jagvillhabostad is a non-partisan and non-religious union for young housing applicants. The association has an opinion-forming role and participates in several construction projects. On their website, you will find lots of tips on both landlords and what you should think about.
Bo tillsammans
Bo tillsammans is a website where you can both offer and find a room, collective, or a roommate.
Hyresvärdslistan är en hemsida som listar alla hyresvärdar i Sveriges största städer. Detta kan göra bostadsjakten enklare då du kan kontakta hyresvärdar direkt, eller se deras bostäder utan att gå omvägar vi andra tjänster eller sidor. Fördelen med detta är att du också eventuellt kan få höra kring bostäder som snart blir lediga, och kanske inte ens har kommit på marknaden ännu.
is a website that lists all landlords in Sweden’s largest cities. This can make the housing hunt easier as you can contact landlords directly, or see their housing without detours to other services or sites. The advantage of this is that you may also hear about homes that will soon be vacant, and may not even have come on the market yet.
Renting second hand (andrahandsuthyrning)?
Are you renting second hand? Do not forget to check out the apartment before you say yes, check if the second hand renting is approved by the landlord, decide rules with the person you rent, sign a contract (but pay no money until the contract is written), save a receipt every time you pay the rent and take out home insurance.