Protocol from annual meeting with elections 2022-11-30

Protocol from annual meeting with elections 2022-11-30

2a. The meeting granted the proposition ”Introduce DISK’s three-year strategy as a steering document”

3a. The meeting granted the motion ”Forming of the Information Technology Section (ITS)”

4a. The meeting granted DISK’s and all sections’ preliminary business plans for 2023
4b. The meeting granted DISK’s preliminary budget with changes to Systemvetardagen’s revenue to SEK 1,150,000 and the cost of rent to SEK 1,580,000

5a. Yrsa Linder was elected Chairman of the board
5b. Karin Jäderberg was elected Vice Chairman of the board
5c. Jakob Ehrhardt was elected Treasurer
5d. Sofia Roos was elected Vice Treasurer
5e. Vlada Borets was elected Secretary
Lovisa Hedström was elected Head of Information
Pontus Cedrell was elected Head of Technology
Alexander Jaxgård was elected Head of Student Protection as well as Head of Education
My Karlén was elected Head of Events
the position for Head of Venue & Personnel was left vacant.
5 f. Karin Allerbring was elected section representative for the Insparken
Melinda Holmqvist was elected section representative for the Klubbmästeriet
Kimiya Eskandari was elected as the section representative for the Business section
Giancarlo Valverde was elected section representative for the Musical & Aesthetic Section
Sara Nordström was elected section representative for Särimner’s Kultingar
Vladyslav Tymoschchyk was elected section representative for the Sports Section
5g. Némo Chentre was elected Deputy
5h. LEVA Revision & Rådgivning i Roslagen AB was elected financial auditor, Andreas Eckerstrand was elected first internal financial auditor and Sebastian Gabrielsson was elected second internal financial auditor
5i. Emilia Kaufeldt was elected First Statutory Auditor and Sina Bastani was elected Second Statutory Auditor
5j. Jelena Zdravkovic was ratified as Inspector

6a. Emma Ågren informed that Särimner’s Kultingar has decided to conduct their activities in English so that more exchange students can get involved in the section. The remaining sections can also think about this.

Protokoll från Årsmöte med val 2022-11-30

Protokoll från Årsmöte med val 2022-11-30

Här kan du hitta protokollet samt en sammanfattning:

Årsmöte med val 2022-11-30

2a. Mötet antog propositionen ”Införa DISKs treåriga strategi som ett styrdokument”

3a. Mötet antog motionen ”Bildandet av den Informationstekniska Sektionen (ITS)”

4a. Mötet antog DISKs och alla sektioners preliminära verksamhetsplaner för 2023
4b. Mötet antog DISKs preliminära budget med ändringar på Systemvetardagens intäkter till 1.150.000 sek och kostnaden för lokalhyran till 1.580.000 sek

5a. Yrsa Linder valdes till Ordförande
5b. Karin Jäderberg valdes till Vice ordförande
5c. Jakob Ehrhardt valdes till Kassör
5d. Sofia Roos valdes till Vice Kassör
5e. Vlada Borets valdes till Sekreterare, Lovisa Hedström valdes till Informationsansvarig, Pontus Cedrell valdes till Teknikansvarig, Alexander Jaxgård valdes till Studerandeskyddsombud tillika utbildningsansvarig och My Karlén valdes till eventansvarig. Posten som Lokal- & personalansvarig lämnades vakant.
5f. Karin Allerbring valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Insparkssektionen, Melinda Holmqvist valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Klubbmästeriet, Kimiya Eskandari valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Näringslivssektionen, Giancarlo Valverde valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Musikaliska & Estetiska Sektionen, Sara Nordström valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Särimners Kultingar och Vladyslav Tymoschchyk valdes till sektionsrepresentant för Sportsektionen.
5g. Némo Chentre valdes till Suppleant
5h. LEVA Revision & Rådgivning i Roslagen AB valdes till ekonomisk revisor, Andreas Eckerstrand valdes till förste intern ekonomisk revisor och Sebastian Gabrielsson valdes till andre intern ekonomisk revisor
5i. Emilia Kaufeldt valdes till Förste sakrevisor och Sina Bastani valdes till andre sakrevisor
5j. Jelena Zdravkovic ratificerades till Inspektor

6a. Emma Ågren informerade om att Särimners Kultingar har beslutat sig för att föra sin verksamhet på engelska för att flera utbytesstudenter ska kunna engagera sig i sektionen. Detta kan resterande sektioner också fundera på.

Protocol from annual meeting with elections 2022-11-30

Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-23

Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary.

Styrelsemöte 2022-11-23

3.1 The section representatives must fill in templates so the sitting and the next head of technology can create new DISK user accounts as easily as possible

4.1 The board discusses how the new storage space works and what can be improved

5.1 The Musical & Aesthetic section’s statute amendment was approved
5.2 The board approved a motion to form a new section. The motion will be added to the documents of the annual meeting
5.3 The Business Section, the Sports Section and Insparken’s preliminary business plans were approved
5.4 The board approved a proposal to introduce a new steering document for operational goals for the next three years. The bill will be added to the proceedings of the annual meeting
5.5 Insparkens statute amendment was approved
5.6 The board approved that the budget item for rent and Systemvetardagen’s estimated income was changed.
5.7 Särimners Kultingar’s statute amendment was approved

Protokoll från Årsmöte med val 2022-11-30

Protokoll från styrelsemöte 2022-11-23

Här kan du hitta protokollet samt en sammanfattning:

Styrelsemöte 2022-11-23

3.1 Sektionsrepresentanterna ska fylla i mallar så samuel och nästa teknikansvarig så enkelt som möjligt ska kunna skapa nya DISK-användarkonton

4.1 Styrelsen diskuterar hur det nya förvaringsutrymmet fungerar och vad som kan förbättras

5.1 Musikaliska & Estetiska sektionens stadgeändring godkändes
5.2 Styrelsen biföll en motion om att bilda en ny sektion. Motionen kommer läggas till i årsmötets handlingar
5.3 Näringslivssektionen, Sportsektionen och Insparkens preliminära verksamhetsplaner godkändes
5.4 Styrelsen biföll en proposition om att införa ett nytt styrdokument för verksamhetsmål kommande tre år. Propositionen kommer läggas till i årsmötets handlingar
5.5 Insparkens stadgeändring godkändes
5.6 Styrelsen godkände att budgetposten för Lokalhyra och Systemvetardagens uppskattade intäkter ändrades.
5.7 Särimners Kultingars stadgeändring godkändes

Protocol from annual meeting with elections 2022-11-30

Protocol from board meeting 2022-11-08

Here you can find the full protocol (in Swedish) as well as a translated summary.

Styrelsemöte 2022-11-03

5.1.1 Klubbmästeriets preliminary activity plan is unchanged since last year.
5.1.2 Musikaliska & Estetiska Sektionen has added a paragraph about maintaining the band in its preliminary activity plan.
5.1.3 Näringslivssektionens preliminary activity plan was postponed until the next board meeting.
5.1.4 The point about Sport’s preliminary activity plan was postponed until the next board meeting.
5.1.5 Särimners Kultingar has added paragraphs about reviewing existing policies, have section meetings and events in English but remove game jams since they are done in collaboration with the game development program in their preliminary activity plan.
5.1.6 Insparkens preliminary activity plan was postponed until the next board meeting.
5.1.7 DISKs have added a paragraph on financial survival and bringing rent down to a central level with Stockholms Univeristy in their preliminary activity plan.
5.1.8 The Presidium has drawn up a three-year strategy with long-term goals that will work towards DISK being able to live on.

5.2.1 Klubbmästeriets budget for purchases has been increased due to the increased interest to apply and prices for overall have risen. The remaining budget is not adjusted for inflation, however.
5.2.2 Musikaliska & Estetiska Sektionens budget for purchases, kickoff & celebration dinner has increased.
5.2.3 Näringslivssektionens event revenue has increased and the advertising costs has been lowered.
5.2.4 Sporten has increased the budget for skiweek and added a post for premises costs.
5.2.5 Särimners Kultingar has raised the post for purchases to adjust for inflation and to be able to spend more money on section clothes and materials for spex.
5.2.6 Insparkens income has increased due to sponsors and expenses on events will be adjusted accordingly. Cloth bags need to be bought in and therefore that cost has increased.
5.2.7 Systemetardagen has decided not to use stand screens, the companies will be responsible to bring those themselves. A large wall in the middle as well as carpets for sound reduction will still be purchased.
5.2.8 Kaféets preliminary budget is unchanged.
5.2.9 Marskalkämbetets preliminary budget is unchanged.
5.2.10 Studiebevakningens preliminary budget is unchanged.
5.2.11 Ratatosk preliminary budget is based on the 2019 edition which was completely physical.
5.2.12 The budget post for membership needs to be adjusted as the money that has been spent on the newly introduced levels must be below the correct year’s budget.